
『After Perfect: A Daughter’s Memoir』(Gallery Books)

  • 2017/12/20
After Perfect: A Daughter’s Memoir / Christina McDowell
After Perfect: A Daughter’s Memoir
  • 著者:Christina McDowell
  • 出版社:Gallery Books
  • 装丁:ペーパーバック(320ページ)
  • 発売日:2016-04-19
  • ISBN-10:1476785414
  • ISBN-13:978-1476785417
A “searing memoir of loss and redemption” (People) that “exposes the side of The Wolf of Wall Street we didn’t get to see” (Metro), After Perfect is a cautionary tale about one fa… もっと読む
A “searing memoir of loss and redemption” (People) that “exposes the side of The Wolf of Wall Street we didn’t get to see” (Metro), After Perfect is a cautionary tale about one family’s destruction in the wake of the Wall Street implosion.

Selected as one of the year’s “Fifteen Books You Need to Read” by the Village Voice, Christina McDowell’s unflinching memoir is “a tale of the American Dream upended.” Growing up in an affluent Washington, DC, suburb, Christina and her sisters were surrounded by the elite: summering on Nantucket Island, speeding down Capitol Hill’s rich back roads, flying in their father’s private plane. Their life of luxury was brutally stripped away after the FBI arrested Tom Prousalis on fraud charges. When he took a plea deal as he faced the notorious Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort’s testifying against him, the cars, homes, jewelry, clothes, and friends that defined the family disappeared before their eyes, including the one thing they could never get back: each other.

Christina writes with candid clarity about the dark years that followed and the devastation her father’s crimes wrought upon her family: the debt accumulated under her identity; her mother’s breakdown; her own spiral into addiction and promiscuity; and the delusion that enveloped them all. She shines a remarkable, uncomfortable light on a family’s disintegration and takes a searing look at a controversial financial time and also at herself, a child whose “normal” belonged only to the one percent. A rare, insider’s perspective on the collateral damage of a fall from grace, After Perfect is a poignant reflection on the astounding pace at which a life can change and how blind we can be to the ugly truth.


今年前半、アメリカの多くのメディアが取り上げた新刊『After Perfect: A Daughter's Memoir (English Edition)』(完璧だった人生が終わったあと:ある娘のメモワール)の著者はクリスティーナ・マクドウェルという若い女性である(ALL REVIEWS事務局注:本書評執筆時期は2015年)。この本は、ウォール街のマネーゲームに翻弄されて人生をメチャクチャにされた彼女の回想録だが、とりわけ異色なのは彼女の父親が「詐欺師」側の人間だったことだ。

ふだんベストセラーには皮肉な態度を取っている「The Village Voice」誌でさえ「2015年に読むべき15冊」に選んだのは、この本が「アメリカンドリーム」の裏側を露骨に見せているからだろう。

レオナルド・ディカプリオがマーティン・スコセッシ監督と組んで製作し、2013年に公開された映画『ウルフ・オブ・ウォールストリート』は、90年代にペニー株詐欺(株価が1ドル以下の安い株を使った詐欺)、相場操縦、資金洗浄などの違法行為で逮捕されたジョーダン・ベルフォートの回想録『The Wolf of Wall Street』(邦訳:『ウォール街狂乱日記』〔早川書房刊〕)が原作だった。


『After Perfect』の著者クリスティーナは、首都ワシントンDC郊外の巨大な豪邸で育った。父親は金融関係の弁護士、チャリティパーティを主催する母親は女優のように美しく、両親の友人はアリアナ・ハフィントンやアラン・グリーンスパン夫妻など、政界や財界で活躍する大物揃いだ。





裏切った父親を訴えず、借金を背負い込んだクリスティーナは、やがてホームレス への転落を避けるために、低賃金の怪しくいかがわしい仕事にも手をつけるようになっていく――。


『After Perfect』を読むと、そうは思えない。一般人が思うほど金持ちの生活は羨ましくない。人を騙してまで巨額の金をゲットしても、お金とはこんなにもあっさりと無くなる。



After Perfect: A Daughter’s Memoir / Christina McDowell
After Perfect: A Daughter’s Memoir
  • 著者:Christina McDowell
  • 出版社:Gallery Books
  • 装丁:ペーパーバック(320ページ)
  • 発売日:2016-04-19
  • ISBN-10:1476785414
  • ISBN-13:978-1476785417
A “searing memoir of loss and redemption” (People) that “exposes the side of The Wolf of Wall Street we didn’t get to see” (Metro), After Perfect is a cautionary tale about one fa… もっと読む
A “searing memoir of loss and redemption” (People) that “exposes the side of The Wolf of Wall Street we didn’t get to see” (Metro), After Perfect is a cautionary tale about one family’s destruction in the wake of the Wall Street implosion.

Selected as one of the year’s “Fifteen Books You Need to Read” by the Village Voice, Christina McDowell’s unflinching memoir is “a tale of the American Dream upended.” Growing up in an affluent Washington, DC, suburb, Christina and her sisters were surrounded by the elite: summering on Nantucket Island, speeding down Capitol Hill’s rich back roads, flying in their father’s private plane. Their life of luxury was brutally stripped away after the FBI arrested Tom Prousalis on fraud charges. When he took a plea deal as he faced the notorious Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort’s testifying against him, the cars, homes, jewelry, clothes, and friends that defined the family disappeared before their eyes, including the one thing they could never get back: each other.

Christina writes with candid clarity about the dark years that followed and the devastation her father’s crimes wrought upon her family: the debt accumulated under her identity; her mother’s breakdown; her own spiral into addiction and promiscuity; and the delusion that enveloped them all. She shines a remarkable, uncomfortable light on a family’s disintegration and takes a searing look at a controversial financial time and also at herself, a child whose “normal” belonged only to the one percent. A rare, insider’s perspective on the collateral damage of a fall from grace, After Perfect is a poignant reflection on the astounding pace at which a life can change and how blind we can be to the ugly truth.

ALL REVIEWS経由で書籍を購入いただきますと、書評家に書籍購入価格の0.7~5.6%が還元されます。



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